We been given a theme of underwater life and had to make a poster by the end ofe the month. We used spider diagram to help us develop ides but that didnt worked well for me even tho I had lots of ideas but all of them seemed cliche to me.
I was reading an article about oil and that easy reachable oil is runing out and that after easy reachable oil rans out we will be left with hard reachable oil wich is realy deep in ocean that even submarines cant go that deep.So i figured to try and make an image wich would show how i think futuristic oil platforms will look.when i started my work my idea kept developing.
In the end iam not that happy with how my glass dome looks but iam not disapointed in it even tho i wanted it to look more realistic. but iam quite happy with how statues of liberty arm looks.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Monday, 27 September 2010
First i selected picture of sea bed
Then i made glass dome by using elliptical tool and made surface of inside of glass dome and also croped top of the imageAfter that i cuted out oil rig picture inserted it to inside of glass dome and puted in whale skeleton in image
by using brush tool i tryed making glass of dome more realistic by making it less see thru at certain areas also painted light reflection on glass dome and with brush tool i painted and made it look like glass dome is standing on platform
then i cuted out statue's of liberty arm wich holds the torch by using pen tool and found some pictures of cracks on dry ground and iported them on top of arm image then reduced opacity of cracked ground and deleted parts of cracked ground image wich were not needed and after that imported final image of arm in main image and by using masks i made arm fade in.IMAGES USED:
Underwater light rays by Della Stock
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Most comon fonts are "Sans-Serif", "serif", ""script".In photoshop you can set the font size and also you can set up spaces between lines and spaces between characters.Characters can also be stretched how ever you like and you can change chaacter colors.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
At first i opened bouth images of hippo and lizard in and moved them in the same window. Then used edit > transform to transform and rotate hippo head on lizard head.
Then used color balance to make hippo skin color to match lizard skin color.
After that changed brightnes/contrast of area around hippo head. And deleted color balance and brightnes/contrast changes in hippo's mouth using masks to make hippos mouth look more natural and not green.Monday, 20 September 2010
Copyrights is rights that protects all sorts of artist's work from being copyed without artist's permission. That also effects photographs, if they have someone's portrait on them you need permission from person on photo to use their portrait in some kind of work or be published in media. Although copyright cant protect artist's ideas only actual works.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Pixels and vectoring
Pixels DPI-dots per inch
Computer screen output is 72 dpi printing output is 300 dpi, if dpi too low printed result will look poor quality.The more dpi image has the more memory it requares.In 72 dpi image while looking at original image it looks like realy sharp circle but when u zoom in u can clearly see that image is pixelated.
Vectoring is diferent from pixels.It uses computer calculations and diferent from pixels doesnt requare every pixel to be remembered so this results in using up less memory. Also when you zoom in to vector figure computer knows what shape that figure is and doesnt get it pixelated.
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